ACT CoP Membership Development, Retention And Reactivation

The African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT) is a voluntary membership pan-African not-for-profit organization. ACT brings together stakeholders and players who are dedicated to improving agricultural productivity through sustainable utilization of natural resources of land and water in Africa's farming systems and committed to the principal of mutual collaboration, partnership and sharing of information/knowledge on sustainable natural resources management and drawing on synergies and complementarities.

Under its first strategic focus area termed "Adoption and Scaling up of Conservation Agriculture", the 2013-2022 ACT strategic Plan approved by the Board in February 2013 states that:

"Institutional scaling up that involves influencing higher level institutions is considered the most effective approach for scaling up agricultural knowledge and technologies. It is based on the recognition that actions are required from many institutions for effective adoption of technologies by target beneficiaries. In this context, scaling up is where efforts are made to communicate and share knowledge, especially the underlying principles with higher up institutions and to bring in other stakeholders such as manufacturers, policy makers and investors from community or local level, to national and even global level. Uptake, acceptance and internalization of technology at higher levels increase the chance that these institutions will support and invest in scaling it out"

In the endeavor to implement the strategic plan, the ACT Implementation Strategy for 2013-2017, promulgates (in article 6.2 of the Strategic Plan) that:

"In order to re-invent and position itself strategically, the Network shall develop and operationalize a mechanism for establishing flexible alliances and innovation platforms that allow the Network to form temporary teams with other organizations including farmers’ organizations and groups, research institutions, universities and the private sector and non-governmental organizations to solve priority conservation agriculture problems in specified periods. The formation of such temporary teams would ensure the availability of a critical mass of professionals with the right disciplinary mix to provide multidisciplinary solutions for priority conservation agriculture problems. Particular input will be sought from purposefully formed and supported Conservation Agriculture Communities of Practice (CA-CoPs) of researchers and academia; CA equipment manufacturers and suppliers; CA farmers and their organizations; youths and women in agriculture"

This document represents the way forward in the ACT scaling out vision for the coming five years in support of the ACT Board decisions highlighted above and in response to the ACT Membership Development, Retention and Reactivation needs.

  • Community of Practice (CoP)
    A community of practice (CoP) is a group of people informally bound together by shared expertise and passion for a joint enterprise. The CoP Members share knowledge in free-flowing, creative ways that foster new approaches to problems. Communities of practice can drive strategy, generate new programmes, solve problems, promote the spread of best practices and develop people’s skills. CoPs can rely on a variety of methods and means to share information, build knowledge and communicate. They can be real and/or virtual.
  • Membership to ACT CoPs [Friends of ACT]
    a) Membership to ACT CoP shall be open to any person , company, body, or firm
    - Dedicated to improving agricultural productivity through sustainable management of natural resources in Africa’s farming systems.
    - Committed to the principals of mutual collaboration, partnerships and sharing of information and knowledge on sustainable natural resource management and drawing on synergies and complementarities (without necessarily becoming one and allowing each one pursue aspects for which they have comparative advantage).

    b) Membership to ACT CoP shall be open to any person, company, body, or firm subject to being admitted by the ACT Secretariat.
  • Board
    Shall mean the Board of Directors appointed under paragraph 4 of the Memorandum and Articles of association
  • Network, Organization
    African Conservation Tillage Network (ACT)

Membership with ACT is open to individuals, institutions and corporate organizations committed and active in development and promotion of conservation agriculture in Africa. Individuals, organizations and institutions with a passion in conservation agriculture are invited to join the network. Membership to ACT CoPs (friends of ACT) does not entitle one to be a Member of ACT. All of the ACT CoPs shall be represented by their leadership/appointee, usually the Chairperson and Secretary, to the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of ACT. The growth of regional (Africa) CoP membership may necessitate creation of sub regional membership groups coordinated by ACT.

ACT membership categories and benefits:

  1. Individual Membership
  2. Institutional and Corporate Membership

ACT uses the Conservation Agriculture (CA) Communities of Practice (CoP) categories to interact with its members and stakeholders, and in this way, contribute to define the agenda of the network, modalities of and services to be provided to the membership; and roles/responsibilities of the membership.

The ACT communities of practice are currently classified as below:

  1. Academia and researchers (COPAR). Comprised of colleges, universities and research institutions.
  2. CA equipment manufacturers, suppliers and service providers (COPMSSP). Comprised of CA equipment manufacturers, repair workshops, importers, hire service providers, financial institutions.
  3. Farmers and farmer organizations (COPFFO). Comprised of individual smallholder and large scale CA farmers, CBO, farmer NGOs, and farmer cooperatives.
  4. Women and youths in agriculture (COPWYIA). Comprised of individual smallholder and commercial women farmers, women in agriculture organisations, youths engaged in agriculture, gender equality advocacy groups, and professional mentors.
  5. Developers and disseminators of CA (COPDD). Comprised of Government staff, development partners (observers), extension agents, and NGOs

Each applicant for ACT membership will choose to join a particular CoP while registering as a member of the organization. All members will be required to comply with the general terms and conditions of the CA-CoPs.

The purpose of CA-CoPs is to provide a forum that enhances dialogue and actions on issues related to the promotion of Conservation Agriculture in Africa.

The roles of the CA-CoPs are:

  1. Collect, synthesize and disseminate information on Conservation Agriculture
  2. Innovate mechanism to further develop conservation agriculture programmes/initiatives
  3. Lobbying and advocacy for promotion of enabling environment through policy change in support of CA technologies in Africa
  4. Provide advice to stakeholders on strategies for the promotion of CA in Africa
  5. Identify and share information on opportunities for resource mobilization that can be utilized to support investment plans in areas of CA in Africa
  6. Network among CoP members and interlink with other CoPs on relevant actions augmenting the development of CA in Africa
  7. Periodically report and receive feedback to and from ACT to further support promotion of CA in Africa

CoP Membership Guidelines

  1. CA-CoPs will meet occasionally to share experiences and sound practices emanating from the implementation of Conservation Agriculture policies and technologies. .
  2. Meetings for the CA-CoPs will be organized by the African Conservation Tillage Network secretariat and supported by stakeholders.
  3. Members should be committed to support the community of practice existing and emerging initiatives towards furtherance of conservation agriculture agenda in Africa.


Category Description

Benefits to members

Obligation of members


Academia and researchers (COPAR)

  • Awareness creation & research opportunities

  • Access to various information and data on CA in Africa

  • Fora to share experience and interact with peers on issues of CA and Sustainable Land Management

  • Contacts with specialists who can provide technical CA/SLM advice

  • Share research and academic information with ACT and CA community

  • Provide information on activities and programmes on CA in their areas /countries for Networks databases

  • Share experiences on CA e.g. articles to the ACT Newsletter and CA CoP Magazine

  • Participate in the ACT work groups and other CA development and promotion activities

  • 2

    CA equipment manufacturers, suppliers and service providers (COPMSSP).

  • Links to information on markets, updates in technologies

  • Access to various information and data on CA in Africa

  • Fora to share experience and interact with peers on issues of CA equipment and Sustainable Land Management

  • Contacts with specialists who can provide technical CA/SLM advice

  • Participate in CA Research

  • Provide information on activities and programmes on CA in their areas /countries for Networks databases

  • Share experiences on conservation tillage, e.g. by contributing articles to the ACT Newsletter, and CA CoP Magazine

  • Participate in the ACT work groups and other CA development and promotion activities

  • 3

    Farmers and farmer organizations (COPFFO).

  • Links to information on technology, credit, markets.

  • Access to various information and data on CA in Africa

  • Fora to share experience and interact with peers on issues of CA and Sustainable Land Management

  • Contacts with specialists who can provide technical CA/SLM advice

  • Influence agenda and participate in CA Research

  • Provide information on activities and programmes on CA in their areas /countries for Network’s databases

  • Share experiences on CA e.g. articles to the ACT Newsletter.

  • Participate in the ACT work groups and other CA development and promotion activities

  • 4

    Women and youths in agriculture (COPWYIA)

  • Links to information on special opportunities such as scholarships

  • Access to various information and data on conservation agriculture

  • Fora to share experience and interact with peers on gender based issues of conservation agriculture and Sustainable Land Management

  • Contacts with specialists who can provide technical CA/SLM advice

  • Share information on CA and related technology practices e.g. articles to the ACT Newsletter and Network databases.

  • Participate in the ACT work groups and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Design and share gender based CA agriculture programmes

  • Mobilise women and youth participation in promotion of CA

  • 5

    Developers and disseminators of CA (COPDD)

  • Access to CA information including on innovative/ functional extension approaches

  • Networking synergy opportunities to influence supportive policy frameworks

  • Improved access to resources to co-innovate and disseminate CA

  • Share information on CA and related technology practices e.g. case studies, adoption data, model farmers, successful approaches

  • Participate in the ACT CA CoPs and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Membership types, benefits and expected roles of members in:

    • Category I: Individual Membership
    • Category II: Institutional and Corporate Membership


    Benefits to members

    Expected roles of members

    Category I - Individual Members

    Bronze Individual Members

    Ten Bronze Members assessed as being active "active" will graduate to silver each year

  • Access to conservation agriculture information

  • CA Communities of Practices (CoP) networking opportunities

  • Monthly CA updates

  • Receive quarterly e-newsletter

  • Voluntary sharing of information on CA and related technology practices e.g. articles to ACT Newsletters and Network databases.

  • Voluntary participation in the ACT work groups and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Silver Individual Members

    Ten Silver Members assessed as being active "active" will graduate to Gold each year

  • Access to CA information

  • CA -CoP networking opportunities

  • Weekly Monthly CA updates

  • Receive quarterly e-newsletter

  • Receive CA-CoP magazine

  • Recognition in one issue of CA-CoP magazine

  • Access to limited CA promotional materials

  • Access to ACT online library/ resource centre

  • Recognition on ACT's web site

  • Access to study tours/ visits

  • Pay annual membership fee

  • Share information on CA and related technology practices e.g. articles to ACT Newsletters and Network databases.

  • Participate and contribute in CoP meetings and deliberations; and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Participate in resources mobilisation that supports the course of the ACT mandate

  • Gold Individual Members

  • Access to CA information

  • CA CoP networking opportunities

  • Receive monthly CA updates

  • Receive quarterly e-newsletter

  • Receive CA-CoP magazine

  • Recognition in two issues of CA-CoP magazine and on ACT's web site

  • Access to special CA promotional materials

  • Access to ACT online library/ resource centre

  • Access to study tours/ visits

  • Access to CA related business opportunities including consultancies

  • Eligible to be a CA champion or CA Ambassador in line with ACT policy.

  • Pay annual membership fee

  • Share information on CA and related technology practices e.g. articles to ACT Newsletters and Network databases.

  • Participate and contribute in CoP meetings and deliberations; and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Participate in resources mobilisation that supports the course of the ACT mandate

  • Support in recruitment of new members to ACT Network

  • Category II - Institutional and Corporate Membership

    Bronze Institutional and corporate membership

  • Access to conservation agriculture information

  • CA Communities of Practices (CoP) networking opportunities

  • Receive Monthly CA updates

  • Receive quarterly e-newsletter

  • Voluntary sharing of information on CA and related technology practices e.g. articles to ACT Newsletters and Network databases.

  • Voluntary participation in the ACT work groups and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Silver Institutional and corporate membership

  • Access to CA information

  • Monthly CA updates

  • CA CoP networking opportunities

  • One-year subscription to CA-CoP Magazine and ACT quarterly e-newsletter

  • Recognition in two issue of CA-CoP magazine and on ACT's web site

  • Access to limited CA promotional materials

  • Access to ACT online library/ resource centre

  • Access to study tours/ visits

  • Advertisement space in one issue of CA-CoP magazine (valued at $500)

  • 5% discount on ACT products during annual membership period

  • Pay annual membership fee

  • Share information on CA and related technology practices e.g. articles to ACT Newsletters and Network databases.

  • Participate and contribute in CoP meetings and deliberations; and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Participate in resources mobilisation that supports the course of the ACT mandate

  • Support recruitment of new ACT members

  • Gold Institutional and corporate membership

  • Access to CA information

  • Monthly CA updates

  • CA CoP networking opportunities

  • One-year subscription to CA-CoP Magazine and ACT quarterly e-newsletter

  • Recognition in all issues of CA-CoP magazine and on ACT's web site

  • Access to special CA promotional materials

  • Access to ACT online library/ resource centre

  • Access to study tours/ visits

  • Access to CA related business opportunities including consultancies

  • Eligible to be a CA champion or CA Ambassador in line with ACT policy

  • 10% discount on ACT products during annual membership period

  • Advertisement space in one issue of CA-CoP magazine (valued at $1,000)

  • Recognition at one ACT events during the annual membership period

  • One complimentary registration to ACT organized Africa CA congress during the annual membership period

  • Pay annual membership fee

  • Share information on CA and related technology practices e.g. articles to ACT Newsletters and Network databases.

  • Participate and contribute in CoP meetings and deliberations; and other CA development and promotion activities

  • Participate in resources mobilisation that supports the course of the ACT mandate

  • Support recruitment of new ACT members

  • * All members are free to make additional contribution towards supporting Network activities.