About ACT-Africa Portals

In view of promoting concrete knowledge and information dissemination and quality advocacy of Conservation Agriculture, ACT constantly implement projects under efficient project management, coordination and implementation support, and appraisal and Quality assurance of conservation agriculture and sustainable land management practices in Africa. ACT has carried out a number of projects and activities through support and collaboration with other development partners, few are highlighted here, includes:

The Conservation Agriculture Regional Working Group (CARWG) arrangement in Africa was established in 2007 with formation of CARWG for Southern Africa region. The purpose of CARWG is coordinating the activities of member organizations working to support the introduction and promotion of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region. The CARWG works in partnership with a network of National CA Task Forces (NCATF) which coordinate stakeholders within individual countries.

As an African regional organization, The African conservation Tillage Network (ACT) is a member of the CARWG in line with its mandate to promote conservation agriculture in Africa. During the Southern African CARWG meeting held in Johannesburg, South Africa ACT was appointed as leader of Conservation Agriculture Knowledge Management and capacity building. There is an Executive Committee to take the lead on overall management of the CARWG and resource mobilization and five Thematic Groups with Theme Leaders as listed below:

  • Research and Monitoring and Evaluation ( FAO)
  • Capacity Building & Extension (ACT)
  • Inputs and Equipment (FAO)
  • Policy Development and Advocacy (FANRPAN)
  • Knowledge Management and Publicity ( ACT)