•   Jun 04 2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


Sustainable Farm Power For Enhanced Productivity (FAO & CEMA Hybrid Event)

Agricultural systems around the world are currently heavily relying on fossil fuels contributing to climate change. The use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and bioenergy, for the operation of farm machinery can not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also cut down energy costs. In line with the growing global quest for sustainability, this shift also shields farmers from fluctuating energy markets. Farmers in developing countries, where per capita use of farm machinery remains limited, are presented with an opportunity to leapfrog the use of fossil fuel-powered equipment and directly adopt those that run on renewable energy.

This webinar by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association (CEMA) will explore the current situation of farm power supply in different regions of the world as well as future scenarios for both developing and developed countries.

The event will feature insights from a CEMA study on the potential of renewable and low-carbon fuels to mitigate the contributions of agricultural production to climate change, enhancing sustainability, resilience, and efficiency. Moreover, speakers will discuss perspectives on how farms worldwide can transition to the use of more sustainable and efficient energy sources for a ‘greener’ agricultural future.


10.00-10.05 Opening Remarks,
Yurdi Yasmi, Special Coordinator, Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO
10.05-10.25 Presentation: CEMA position paper on alternative fuels,
Ivo Hostens, Technical Director, CEMA / Jelte Wiersma, Secretary General, CEMA
10.25-10.40 Presentation: Biomethane, power for farmers,
Gilles Mayer, Director of Public Affairs, Marketing & International Development, Bennamann / CNH Renewable Energy

Questions & Answers

10.50-11.00 Presentation: FAO perspective on farm power and mechanization for smallholders,
Josef Kienzle, Agricultural Engineer, FAO


11.25-11.30 Wrap up and closing remarks,
Josef Kienzle and Jelte Wietsma
This webinar is moderated by: Mayling Flores Rojas, Agricultural Engineer, FAO
Zoom Details: https://fao.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcsdumvqDorGNcMdP7VSlN_5fGn_PBJK2Zk
Passcode: 44897763