INTERPOL Environmental Crime Program; Guide To Carbon Trading Crime

Beware of a new environmental and financial crime - Carbon trading crime!!!!!! The international crime police organisation (INTERPOL) has recognised carbon trading crime as a new and emerging type of environmental and financial crime. The organisation has released a report Guide to Carbon Trading Crime outlining a list of the carbon markets vulnerabilities to criminal activities, recognising that "carbon markets are at particular risk of exploitation and require sufficient monitoring and robust legal enforcement to tackle the potential for environmental and financial crime." In the past two decades, there has been increased action by the global community to limit the damaging effects of climate change. The most prominent and contemporary movement, under the Kyoto Protocol, has been to bind industrialized countries to a greenhouse gas emissions cap met either through trading carbon credits. This has led to carbon trading becoming the fastest growing commodities market in the world, with the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme alone valued at US$148 billion in 2011. Africa has a mere 2% share in the global carbon credit market. Report (for more information) available at: file/20130829_guide_to_carbon_trading_crime.pdf