Bidco Africa Oil Refineries Partners With The Food And Agriculture Organization In The Conservation Agriculture Initiative- Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya

Bidco Africa Oil Refineries has partnered with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in the Conservation Agriculture initiative to encourage farmers to take up growing of soya beans and sunflower seeds in a bid to increase the supply of the two crops.

County FAO Programs manager Ambrose Ng’etich said Bidco would pay the over 1000 farmers after delivery their produce. Mr Ng’etich was speaking during a workshop held with farmers in Maara Sub County. “This is a win-win partnership that would drive up sales for small scale farmers who are currently engaged in subsistence farming,” said Mr Ng'etich.

He said more than 800 acres of land in Maara and Chuka/Igambangombe sub counties would be put for the crop production. Mr Ng'etich noted that there is need for government and nongovernment organizations in arid and semi-arid areas to help the farmers in identifying crops that can do well and help them earn income. “There are a lot of climatic changes and if we keep on growing crops that require a lot of rainfall the locals will remain poor”.

Tharaka-Nithi Director of Agriculture David Mululu said his department would ensure that farmers are guided on the best farming method so that they get good returns. “We want to work with the farmers to ensure that they have a bumper and healthy produce,” He added that the county in collaboration with other agricultural stakeholders were looking for market for green grams, sorghum and millet. “We believe that this engagement will reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of the people,”

Bidco Africa Ltd has manufacturing units in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania and a footprint in sixteen African countries where it sells its produce.

Article written by Alex NJERU.

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